New build, old parts.
Was out of fresh 3" and 5" props, but I found 2 almost new boxes of 4" props left over from the first quad I build, which was a 4 inch quad.
So instead of buying new props and parts for the 3 and 5 inch quads, I took parts from the 5 inch and rebuild it into a 4 inch quad.
Cool thing is that I used 2 flightcontrollers combined, 1 FC has a broken OSD and from the other one only the OSD still works.
I rewired everything so that I get the OSD and VTX from one FC, while the other FC controls the motors and receiver like normal.
The quad is low profile, the standoffs are only 2cm, which is good when the battery is on top, better weight distribution.
Not flown it yet, but everything works as it should. Think it will fly nice.